
I have been sharing lots of pics of things I like that might be considered commonly liked (symbols of female beauty glowing sunsets, pink flowers, my friends naked skin) even tho they are “trending” or whatever. I think it’s a bad mindset to reject things based on mass appreciation/to think rejection of a trend is any less a trend in itself. I had to personally accept this (that I am mostly a product of impressions and my interests are heavily influenced by capitalist structures). That beauty is commodified. But there’s also beauty in commodity. I like the way sunsets break across the sky and moments later break across Instagram. I like the way commodity can extend to a feeling, a sense of gentleness//quiet moments of sadness  and people want to share that and feel it together. Hopeful that the internalisation of structures that are ultimately damaging/structures that define worth and beauty in terms of personal profit/might also have room for something that is ok.

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